No problem with sleeping dogs here.

Initially, the lovely sleeping spaniel caught my attention as I had to step over it to get to a vacant seat. Only as I drew it and its owner did I notice the couple right in front of me. Goodness, they really couldn’t keep their hands off each other! The dog slept the whole journey. He had the right idea: close your eyes and face away from the touchy-feely couple.
Whilst attempting to manage a full-time job, this was drawn in many different places during my subsequent commutes, including: trips on replacement bus journeys to and from Ipswich; Tube journeys between visits to schools; my usual rush-hour commutes to work on the Tube; train journeys to Hampton Court; and a bus journey to Crystal Palace carrying a giant cake for a friend’s birthday.
Medium: Digital drawing created on an iPhone 6 and using Adobe Draw app
Drawn: 7th November – 1st December 2017
Here’s a video of the drawing being created, many weeks of drawing condensed into 24 seconds. My editing skills failed me here, the video looks a bit stretched!