Drinking tea and drawing strangers – a remedy for tiredness? This drawing is dedicated to the wonderful students I taught and the great staff who supported me at the beautiful Victoria and Albert Museum, London, when I was leading an iPad architecture drawing workshop. I learnt new things from my […]
South Kensington
3 posts
You can transport anything on the Tube… Time it right and you can use the Tube to carry anything: furniture, giant luggage, a class of kids — but not in rush hour! It seems the main reason I use the District line is to go to the V&A, which is […]
London can be tiring… I’m not sure if they were tourists, but they looked very tired. Halfway through sketching, the woman suddenly rested her weary head on the man’s shoulder and I had to quickly alter my sketch. Medium: Digital drawing on iPhone 4s and Brushes 3 app Date drawn: 17th August […]