A loving scene of two people checking their phones. I was soaking wet after being caught in the storm that hit the Lambeth Country Show in Brixton. It’s the first time it’s rained while I’ve attended the show, and the furthest I’ve lived away from it, how inconvenient. Sodden, I drew […]
Monthly archives: July 2014
Some problems from the 1980s can be easily solved, others like unequality and housing can be left to solve themselves. On my way to work I spot a man concentrating intently on solving his Rubik’s cube. This is not the first time I’ve spotted a fellow commuter with this puzzle. […]
Drinking is banned on the Tube, but who’s going to notice? On my way home after a trip to Oxford I saw a man in the next next row of seats who was exhibiting some odd arm movements, possibly brought about by some heavy drinking, until he got off at […]
I’m a frequent user of the Bakerloo line now. It’s a bit tired, old and needs a revamp. I know that feeling all too well. My journeys into and from work are a lot shorter from my new flat, so I have less time to draw. Perhaps I need to […]