My family and other commuters… My family came to London to see me and to visit the Royal Academy, where a tiny version of a photograph I took was being exhibited. For the first time there was a need for the subjects I portrayed to be a little more lifelike. Medium: Digital drawing on […]
Digital drawings
Talk, read, drink coffee, listen to music – not a cool cafe, just another Tube journey. Another morning rush-hour commute. Occasionally people talk. Medium: Digital drawing on iPhone 6+ and Adobe Ideas app Date drawn: 10th – 26th January 2015
Some people can multitask… Medium: Digital drawing on iPhone 6+ and Adobe Ideas app Date drawn: 27th January – 4th February 2015
A new year of commutes! Hurrah! Medium: Digital drawing on iPhone 6+ and Adobe Ideas app Date drawn: 7th – 26th January 2015
I wonder what they argued over… I was on my way home after a night out in Camden Town (a rare event as I’ve spent a few years disliking the place) and shared a Tube carriage with this couple, but everything in their body language told me they were strangers. They […]
In Zone 6, good food exists… A friend’s birthday lured me all the way to Hornchurch in east London. I was expecting good company but not good food at the pub. A doughnut burger sounds unhealthy and like something I’d find being served in a county fair in Florida, but […]
It’s good to be back in Brixton… I woke up in my new flat in Brixton, I realised that yesterday wasn’t a dream and it really did happen: I moved away from my old place. It’s a relief to have reached my fourth rented flat of 2014. Medium: Digital drawing on iPhone […]
I needed to get away from my problems, temporarily… I decided to get away from London for 16 days (17 if you include Berlin Schönefeld Airport), visiting Belgium, Netherlands and Germany, making a drawing every day. Read more…
A busy Saturday morning on the Tube… I’m hoping this will be the last drawing I do of my commutes from Maida Vale. I’m making preparations to move to the fourth flat of 2014, but to a much friendly place in Brixton. I’m going back south of the river. Medium: Digital drawing […]
Sleeping… Coming back from a friend’s fantastic wedding in Devon, I was sat next to someone who snored for much of the journey and woke up occasionally just to take a swig of milk from a large carton. Drawing digitally means I’m vulnerable to changes in technology. Rather boringly, I […]
What do brightly-coloured ties say about someone’s personality? This scene is of another of my commutes into work from Maida Vale to Regent’s Park, mostly completed on my other journeys. The man’s Escher-pattern tie took a while to draw, it was quite intricate. Like this man, I’d like to look away […]
Is it rude to see what others are reading on the Tube? Seeing what other people read must be the Tube equivalent of peeping through the net curtains to see what neighbours are doing, If it wasn’t wrong, why would we be discreet about it? There was plenty to read […]
London can be tiring… I’m not sure if they were tourists, but they looked very tired. Halfway through sketching, the woman suddenly rested her weary head on the man’s shoulder and I had to quickly alter my sketch. Medium: Digital drawing on iPhone 4s and Brushes 3 app Date drawn: 17th August […]
So many blue suits on my carriage, it was like a Tory party conference. Medium: Digital drawing on iPhone Date drawn: 15th – 19th August 2014
When someone cries on the Tube, where do you look? London can bring out the best and worse in people. It can stress you out, make you smile or cause you to cry. This couple seemed very sombre. The woman was rather stony-faced, while the man would burst into tears intermittently. […]
I never saw the face of this musician. Medium: Digital drawing on iPhone Date drawn: 2nd – 10th August 2014
Watch out for the bouncy seats on the Bakerloo line. The worn seats of the old Bakerloo carriages are extremely bouncey. A person sitting down at one end will cause the springs to bounce the people nearby from their seat. It means you always notice a fellow passenger sitting down. […]
A loving scene of two people checking their phones. I was soaking wet after being caught in the storm that hit the Lambeth Country Show in Brixton. It’s the first time it’s rained while I’ve attended the show, and the furthest I’ve lived away from it, how inconvenient. Sodden, I drew […]
Some problems from the 1980s can be easily solved, others like unequality and housing can be left to solve themselves. On my way to work I spot a man concentrating intently on solving his Rubik’s cube. This is not the first time I’ve spotted a fellow commuter with this puzzle. […]
Drinking is banned on the Tube, but who’s going to notice? On my way home after a trip to Oxford I saw a man in the next next row of seats who was exhibiting some odd arm movements, possibly brought about by some heavy drinking, until he got off at […]