We all get our internet orders delivered to work, right?

I finished work late again, this explains why so much of my drawing is squeezed into my commute times! On this evening journey to Brixton, I spotted a woman with a large armful of parcels which I guessed were internet orders. Near her was a guy why looked like he loved the gym. It was a cold day, so a vest wasn’t appropriate unless you’ve just been working out or want to show off hard-earned biceps.
Reflected in the window is someone from a subsequent journey to Brixton a few days later, but I added him because of what he did. This man sat next to me and spent the trip picking his ears, analysing what stuck to his fingers and playing with it. Lovely.
Watch a video of the drawing being created (20 seconds):
Medium: Digital drawing created on an iPhone 6 and using Adobe Illustrator Draw app
Drawn: 5th March – 20th April 2018