Rush hour can be enjoyed by anyone or anything. Most people during rush hour on the Tube are going to work, adult age and, rather obviously, human – me! Any deviation from those parameters is noticeable, like a child, an older person or a tourist with large suitcases. In this […]
The flowers weren’t for me. I toil long hours at my job to keep those bills paid, it leaves little time to draw. So, as usual I’m snatching a few minutes here and there to scribble away at my iPhone screen, hence over a month to finish this drawing. On […]
I have no idea what they were looking at. Returning home from a meal at a friend’s house, I took the long and convoluted journey from east to south London. Every Tube line is different, but the people are always interesting. Medium: Digital drawing created on an iPhone 6 and using […]
Sometimes a whole lot of activity takes place in a Tube carriage: yawning, reading, public displays of affection, writing and using mobile phones. Medium: Digital drawing created on an iPhone 6 and using Adobe Ideas app Drawn: 11th April – 2nd May 2016
Should dogs pay for public transport too? This was a journey into work, early in the morning to do some extra hours. Sometimes it’s worth going in early into the office to get more done – though it didn’t feel less busy on the Tube. Medium: Digital drawing created on an […]
The lady on left seemed to be very tired and was asleep with her head on a cushion until her friend (her mum?) woke her up at Victoria station. I was fascinated by her clothes and shopping trolley. The two younger women, speaking in French, sounded very excited. Medium: Digital drawing […]
Cake, tears and tiredness. Another Saturday evening. It was a Saturday and a long journey on the District line for me between two birthday celebrations: a late one for myself and another for a friend. Some people seemed to be going to parties, others partied out and the most unfortunate […]
I got a seat! A cold struck me and I stayed at home to recover. By the end of the day I wanted to be outdoors and popped out to get some good-tasting medicine, coffee. It’s packed at the weekend, but late afternoon on a Thursday finds the popular Federation […]
R.I.P. I heard early in the morning the sad news from friends. By the time I finished work and on my way home, news of David Bowie’s death was everywhere, and sites near or across Brixton became gathering places for Bowie fans. Medium: Digital drawing created on an iPhone 6 and using […]
Time for less commuting and for more eating and gift giving. In the run up to the Christmas holidays, there was a noticeable increase in the appearance of wrapped gifts, large shopping bags and rolls of wrapping paper on show. Like most people around me, the focus of my growing […]
I admire anyone able to bring a pram on to the Tube. It was going to be a long journey to visit a friend in east London. From the portion of my journey that encompassed Victoria to Whitechapel, in front of me were a very happy couple with a pram […]
A new view of rush hour. It was unusually crowded commute, memorable as it was one of those rare occasions when I couldn’t get a seat. Leaning back at the end the last carriage, I drew the busy scene in front of me: two rows of heads disappearing to an invisible vanishing […]
Puzzle solving on the Tube. I had to make a sketch quickly of this scene of a fellow commuter engrossed in solving a sudoku puzzle, as I only had time to draw between Stockwell and Brixton (the last two stations of the southern end of the Victoria line); I was probably […]
It was an early start to work, as my work load never seems to decrease. At this time during rush hour, there are sometimes school kids. On this occasion one child was very tired and being comforted. Medium: Digital drawing created on an iPhone 6 and using Adobe Ideas app Drawn: 1st […]
A new corner of London with lots of old memories Due to bad timing I arrived too early at Tottenham Court Road station to meet my girlfriend, so I used the time to draw the new entrance building to the station. This corner of Charing Cross Road and Oxford Street has changed […]
You’re a very funny man, Stewart Lee Excellent gig by comedian Stewart Lee. I sketched this scene in about 5 minutes during the interval. Medium: Digital drawing created on an iPhone 6 and using Brushes Redux app Drawn: 29th September 2015
It was an early start to my working day. Another drawing completed, mostly created during a month’s worth of commuting. On my way to work, very early in the morning, my attention was focused on a couple; one of them was holding a credit card, the details of which his […]
The challenge is to wake up at the right stop. A month and a half of commuting to find enough time to create this drawing. Life is getting busy, but it’s going well, apart from where I fall sleep and find myself in the opposite side of the city to […]
Swearing on the Tube isn’t that common… I wondered, during a short Tube journey from work to a friend’s house, was this woman was sticking two fingers at me? She seemed engrossed in playing Candy Crush, so she probably didn’t even notice I was there. In this picture I’m trying to be […]